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Dive in and find a place!

We have a lot going on for families! You can definitely find a place to get involved here. If you have any questions at all, feel free to email the leader of any ministry. We are here to serve you! You will quickly find out that we are like one big family and we wouldn't want it any other way.

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Kids' Ministry

We believe that kids ministry should be rooted in participation alongside the church body as a whole. Kids meet separately on Sunday mornings during the sermon so that we can reach them where they are and have a good time. Every first Sunday of the month the children worship with the adults.


-Kids check-in at 10:20 Sunday morning

-Ages 6 mo - 11 yrs



Women's Ministry

We meet together every other Thursday night at 6:30 pm and every Friday morning at 10:00 am for prayer and Bible study at Kathy Duggins home. In addition to that, the women enjoy fun outings and events! Check out the events page for info on any upcoming women's event.


Questions? Contact

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Men's Ministry

Our men's group likes to have fun and unwind. We also enjoy a close-knit relationship between fellow brothers in Christ.


They meet at Restoration Vineyard Church every Wednesday at 8:00 am for Breakfast.


Check out our events page to see other upcoming men's events!


Question? Contact


Patten Towers

We visit our elderly and disabled friends at Patten Tower on the last Saturday of every month.  We bring food, prayer, love, and just talk.


Community Kitchen

Monthly worship service for the unhoused at the Community Kitchen.


Unhoused Outreach

We love visiting the unhoused, bringing them food, talking with them, praying with them.  As God provides the resources, we plan to assist with job creation, job training, and shelter.


Questions? Contact

Food and Events

You will quickly learn that we really enjoy eating together! In fact, food is an integral part of our culture here. We love to share a meal around the word, with each other, and with those who are hungry. Sometimes that means taking food to the hungry and sometimes it means a great Christmas party! Keep an eye on the events page to see upcoming special events.


If you desire to serve with your gifts of cooking or have any questions, contact...

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